It was the first time that we met

How can I forget

The moment that you stepped into the room
You took my breath away

La musica vibro y e Ilanos unio

And if God is willing
we will meet again some day

Mijn eigen handige tips / My own tips & tricks

***************** MUST READ **************

1) Klik hier voor mijn eigen bedrijvenlijst waar je geen Spaans nodig hebt om bij te werken, ideaal om te starten!/ My own list of companies where Spanish is not required, ideal to start!

2) Klik hier voor veelgestelde vragen over werken, wonen en leven in Barcelona / FAQ - in English as well

** Ook super handig **

1) Hier algemene tips / General Tips & Tricks

2) Baan? Belangrijk advies bij het zoeken: lees dit eerst voordat je begint!

3) Woning? Belangrijk advies bij het zoeken: lees dit eerst voordat je begint!

4) Kamer? Belangrijk advies bij het zoeken: lees dit eerst voordat je begint!

5) Zoek hier meteen een baan door "Dutch" OF "Holandes" OF "Nederlands" in het eerste vak in te vullen en "Barcelona" in de tweede!

Direct looking for jobs on biggest job site in Spain

6) Grootste huizenaanbod/ Biggest offer of houses in Barcelona

7) Loquo, van kamer via banen tot meubels / Loquo: from rooms via jobs to furniture in Barcelona

8) Stage in Barcelona lopen? Klik hier voor een up to date lijst!

en natuurlijk....

9) Spaans leren! Echte aanrader is VersiĆ³n Original *: goed, betrokken, kleine klasjes en heel erg betaalbaar! En midden in het centrum (om de hoek bij Placa Catalunya)! Learn Spanish here at the best language school in Barcelona! (*mail me voordat je een cursus gaat volgen voor eventuele kortingsacties!/send me a mail before you start a course for a possible discount!)

10) Zit je na het lezen van mijn blog (gebruik eerst de zoekfunctie a.u.b.) nog met een vraag over wonen/werken/leven in Barcelona? Dan mag je me mailen via e_mabel AT Ik help je graag op weg.... maar mails met hele algemene vragen (daar kan ik niet zo veel mee) en mails met CV's (ik ben geen arbeidsbureau) worden niet beantwoord.

© Mabel at BCN, 2004.

Niets van deze website mag worden vermenigvuldigd of openbaar gemaakt door middel van druk, microfilm, fotocopie, plaatsing van teksten en/of afbeeldingen op andere websites of op welke wijze dan ook, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de auteur/maker.

Sunday 29 June 2008

Robbed... almost...

Last night in the metro. Or actually on the stairs walking down the platform... Suddenly I see from the corner of my eye a hand trying to open the zipper of my bag. I think: "This is not my hand, but is´s on my bag... Something is not right" and I turn around immediately and kind of stumble in Spanish: "What were you doing with my bag? What was your hand doing there?"

The guy tells me nothing is wrong and I should calm down. And then I snap. Suddenly I become so angry, like I haven´t been in a long long time. I snap and tell him to f*cking get out of here cause he was trying to rob me!

I want to attack him, hit him, put my hands around his neck and try to strangle him, but all I can do, is just push him away, really hard and really far away. I hardly noticed I really scared the f*ck out of him and that´s why he probably spits on me, opens a bottle of water and just trows it all over me. And then he runs away. Fast.

When I look around me, I see people staring at me and telling me I looked really scary and that the guy was trembling. I just went so mad! Wauw. And I told him to f*ck of fast. I feel the anger inside me and the adrenaline going through my body. Man, I just told a robber to get lost and he just run.

Lately I hear more and more people getting mugged in Barcelona... I thought it was a matter of just watching your back and in the four years I´ve been here, I never got robbed. Ever. But after last night I tell you: really but the really watch your back/bag in Barcelona!

Here some tips:

* don´t ever leave anything of value on the table
* always keep your bag in sight and in front of you
* don´t leave anything of value in your back pockets (or in the pockets of your jacket)
* make sure you keep at least some money in a pocket (just in case)
* make sure some else has your keys (just in case)
* never take your credit card if you don´t need it
* leave your ID-card or passport at home (only take when you really need it)
* make sure you know at least one phone number of one of your friends by heart
* make sure you have all the important phone numbers written down at home
* take an insurance on your place (in case of fire or burglary) cause with most of them theft (with violence), they´ll cover lost of documents, mobile phone and keys up to around 500 euros

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